How to create comment Form using HTML CSS PHP and MYSQL ?
The comments section is a widely used feature of websites. In this blog, we are going to discuss the setup of a comment section form using – PHP and MySQL.
CSS positioning property
In This Blog, we will give you complete information about CSS Position Property .For the convenience of study ,we have divided into several part.
What is Google Analytics ? how to implement GA on website?
Google Analytics is a web analytics tool offered by Google to help us analyze our website's performance and traffic.
How to create social media button into your website?
Here is a blog to help you all in implementing responsive social sharing buttons on your websites or blogs as direct links. they will automatically make a short post containing your webpage/blog link to be shared on the social websites without any efforts.
How to Create a grid which has 4 cards Grid with responsive view?
Each card has a thumbnail image, title, and a description. Grid should be responsive for the viewports: 320px , 768px (two column), 1200px (four column)
How to Create a two-column layout. In responsive view image should be on top and paragraph should be under the image and in Desktop view vice versa?
In responsive view, the image should be on top, and the paragraph should be below. The paragraph should be left, and the image should be right.
How to create a Hover Dropdown Menu? On click of item options, alert displays the item name!
A dropdown with hover effect that displays an alert on every click of item options with the item name !
Software Testing
Software testing is a check activity to validate whether the actual results matches with expected result and to ensure that the software system is bug free.
Form validation using HTML and JavaScript
Forms are used in webpages for the user to enter their required details that further send it to the server for processing. A form is also known as a web form or HTML form.