JavaScript best practices 2021
We are aware that JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that is widely used in web development to create dynamic content for the web.
What is Inner join and natural join?
Inner join joins two tables based on column names specified in the ON clause, while natural join joins tables based on the same column and datatype.
Single Page Applications
A Single Page Application (SPA) is a web application that dynamically updates its page using JavaScript, providing a desktop-like user experience.
Client-Side vs. Server-Side Web Applications
There are two parts to web applications: the client and the server. The “client” is a web browser such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome, etc.
Mobile-first approach in Web Designing
What is the mobile-first approach? Advantages and disadvantages of the mobile-first approach.
Types of Ecommerce model
E-Commerce can be classified into four categories. The basis of the classification is the parties involved in the transaction. The four major categories are B2B, B2C, C2B, C2C.
How to create hoverable dropdown menu in HTML and Css ?
A dropdown allows to user to select a value from a series of options.
The display CSS property
The display property in CSS is used to specify the display behavior of any element which means that it specifies how an element can be displayed. It is one of the most important properties in CSS.
Float CSS Property
Float is a crucial CSS property that specifies the position of webpage content by moving an element to the desired position while allowing other elements.